Crushed ice

Looking to buy crushed ice? Crystal-clear crushed ice is often used as a basic ingredient in exotic cocktails such as mojitos and caipirinhas. Crushed ice, also known as shaved ice, doesn’t just keep your cocktails deliciously cool: it also brings out the right flavours. It can also be used to chill glasses while making the cocktails. Crushed ice or shaved ice is produced under pressure to create robust, compact pieces of ice that do not stick together and melt slowly. It is available in 2.5 kg and 10 kg bags, which can be delivered in a polystyrene box to keep the ice cold for at least 48 hours.
Interested in buying ice cubes? Orders of 25 euros or more are delivered free of charge in the Ghent area. Transport costs outside Ghent vary on the basis of quantity and frequency. You’re also welcome to collect your order by appointment or from one of our distribution points.